[00:59:54] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "EntityView support for TimeValue data values" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61522 [01:07:42] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Formatted time.js according to our coding guidelines" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61523 [01:07:42] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Splits time.js in several files (added "time.Time.js" and "time.Time.parse.js")" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61524 [01:07:43] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Added a "isValid" function for time.Time" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61525 [01:07:43] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Added time.Time.newFromIso8601" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61526 [01:07:43] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Introduction of TimeValue data value type in JavaScript" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61527 [01:07:44] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Introduction of TimeParser for TimeValue data value type in JavaScript" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61528 [01:07:44] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Introduction of valueview expert for time value handling" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61529 [01:07:47] 0.o [01:18:09] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Introduction of valueview expert for time value handling" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61529 [01:18:54] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Introduction of valueview expert for time value handling" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61529 [01:23:34] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Introduction of valueview expert for time value handling" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61529 [01:23:55] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "EntityView support for TimeValue data values" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61522 [01:25:54] New patchset: Daniel Werner; "Introduction of valueview expert for time value handling" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61529 [03:18:57] :D [03:19:00] actually [03:19:04] maybe a url too? [03:19:11] lets short url that [03:19:50] do we need the first link to meta? [03:20:44] that doesnt work for me [03:20:50] wait noooo [03:20:52] let me do it [03:20:56] oh [03:20:57] too long? [03:20:58] someone removed +t [03:20:58] nice [03:21:18] aksdjfhkdsjfh [03:21:24] * legoktm slaps Hazard-SJ  [03:22:07] why? [03:22:09] no ones abused it [03:22:16] except for Hazard-SJ [03:22:20] ;-) [03:22:21] it's more or less a security precaution [03:22:32] * Hazard-SJ sighs [03:22:42] sorry to ruin your fun :( [03:23:03] I wasn't having fun [03:23:07] but legoktm was [07:34:56] hey [07:35:45] is there any news about who's going to mentor Mobilize Wikidata for GSoC? [08:27:44] pragunbhutani: probably denny and aude i think [08:44:28] Guten Tag [09:03:17] Lydia_WMDE: is it okay to list them as the mentors on my proposal? [09:03:39] pragunbhutani: i don't think you need to list them in the proposal? but if you do yes [09:05:45] Lydia_WMDE: I think this was being talked about on #mediawiki [09:05:51] ok [09:05:52] that it's a good idea to mention your mentors [09:06:08] Lydia_WMDE: have you had a chance to look at my proposal yet? [09:06:28] pragunbhutani: unfortunately not - can you give me a link? then i will try to do it today [09:06:46] Lydia_WMDE: thank you! [09:06:48] http://mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Pragunbhutani/GSoC_2013_Proposal [09:06:56] ok [09:07:04] i put it on my todo list for today [09:16:34] aude: ping [09:22:44] thanks [09:22:55] I've already shown it to aude [09:22:58] I [09:23:07] I'll try to run into Denny later [09:23:23] Got class now, will check in again in a bit! [09:23:49] pragunbhutani: denny is traveling for two weeks so you'll have to do with us ;-) [09:41:42] New review: Daniel Kinzler; "@daniel, @jeroen: I agree with most of your comments, and many of them are already addressed in Ibf1..." [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/51164 [09:44:09] Lydia_WMDE: when you have a list of sons and daughters ... and some do not have a Wikipedia article, how do you add them to Wikidata ( I assume you do not) [09:50:18] GerardM: up to the community but it is possible to create items that are not connected to a wikipedia article [09:50:21] for example [09:50:38] or there could be a property for the same thing that takes strings instead of items [09:53:24] GerardM: I did that while building family tries [09:53:44] Just be sure to reference the new objects from other objects otherwise the bots will mark them for deletion [09:54:53] how do I create an item that does not have a Wikipedia link ? [09:55:38] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:NewItem [09:55:59] (create a new item in your sidebar GerardM) [09:57:42] Wonderful [10:05:34] http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q12264773 is Ok I guess .. has one link to en.wp [10:06:55] DanielK_WMDE: can you do a rebase on https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/60747/ [10:16:48] aude: ping [10:23:40] New patchset: Henning Snater; "Adding and applying a new icon for the snak type selector" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61551 [10:42:17] New patchset: Daniel Kinzler; "Allow client to access the repo's terms table." [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/60747 [10:44:55] New patchset: Tobias Gritschacher; "(bug 46363) use terms table to access props by label" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/60761 [10:57:25] How do you state that someone belongs to a particular group [10:57:35] eg apostle sahaba [11:09:47] New review: Tobias Gritschacher; "see comments - but nothing blocking." [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master); V: 2 - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/60747 [11:10:45] GerardM: I'm not sure it we already have properties for sets [11:26:04] How do I state that a building is in a particular town [11:38:31] GerardM: See https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1545193 for an example [11:38:46] is in the administrative unit [11:39:02] cool [11:39:22] they do not know that the Coliseum is in Rome for instance :) [11:39:41] I'm sure we don't even have 5% of all claims [11:42:30] GerardM: Ok, fired up a bot to add country (https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q5530594&diff=32874320&oldid=32445864) to everything in https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categorie:Bouwwerk_in_Nederland [11:42:35] That should keep the bot busy.... [11:43:10] all the instances of a person with children (making the children persons) [11:43:26] same with parents [11:44:39] Already did that for most royalty generating things like https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/File:Beatrix_of_the_Netherlands_to_Charlemagne_ancestry.svg [11:45:07] instance of is used on building types like amphitheatre [11:45:18] should be structure type [11:45:56] Both are correct [11:46:15] We'll have multiple overlapping systemns [11:58:02] true possibly [12:15:13] New patchset: Henning Snater; "Adding and applying a new icon for the snak type selector" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61551 [12:31:10] New patchset: Henning Snater; "Adding and applying a new icon for the snak type selector" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61551 [12:42:34] New review: Tobias Gritschacher; "some questions -> see comments" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/60761 [12:54:09] New patchset: Daniel Kinzler; "Fix DispatchStatsTest" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61563 [13:01:45] I need some help with a page ... need to know what to do about this ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirza describes a rank and is imho not an disambiguation page.. it is NOT linked to Wikidata so should I create a new one and add this ? [13:02:08] how do I check this because this is really foggy [13:12:15] New patchset: Henning Snater; "Adding and applying a new icon for the snak type selector" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61551 [13:19:21] pragunbhutani: hey :) i just looked at your proposal and it looks very good [13:19:28] pragunbhutani: but i am worried about your working time [13:19:42] it's not healthy for you to work like that tbh [13:19:48] Lydia_WMDE: is it a cause for concern? [13:19:56] oh yes it is, I know [13:20:28] I'll be able to move to a healthier schedule once college is over [13:20:36] *nod* [13:20:49] and that isn't too far now! :) [13:21:00] ok cool [13:21:48] Lydia_WMDE: I'm sure I'll be able to work with people from Germany though [13:21:56] Indian and German time zones aren't very far apart [13:22:05] yes i am not too worried about that [13:22:12] more that it is so late for you [13:22:33] that's true, but I've been living like that for 3 years now [13:22:38] I do miss sleeping at night [13:22:43] then again, soon :) [13:24:03] fair enough [13:25:27] I'm going to fix a few more bugs, so I should have that added on too the proposal as well [13:25:31] *on to [13:40:26] New patchset: Daniel Kinzler; "Fix DispatchStatsTest and EntityChangeTest" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61563 [13:43:27] Lydia_WMDE: Can I pick your brain for a moment? Do you know if we already have translation stats? Most used item stats? Etc [13:43:30] * multichill is looking at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Statistics now [13:44:09] multichill: sorry - everything we have should be on that page [13:44:27] Ok. I'll start producing some stats. Don't want to do double work [13:45:35] Lydia_WMDE, Abraham_WMDE1: can you convince them to give us beta invites? https://www.handle.com/ [13:45:58] it sounds like the mail client i always wanted. (except that it's not a desktop app) [13:46:11] if it's as good as it sounds, it could *really* help [14:37:55] legoktm: You around? Screwing around with rewrite [14:38:04] How do I just get all property pages? [14:50:14] New review: Daniel Werner; "(1 comment)" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/51164 [14:50:15] Danwe_WMDE: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/61471/ [15:01:17] hashar: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :) [15:01:34] "Please wait while Jenkins is getting ready to work..." [15:01:35] What? [15:01:48] Jenkins took a day off? [15:04:39] New patchset: Jeroen De Dauw; "Experimental config switcher for WMF Jenkins jobs" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61379 [15:08:01] JeroenDeDauw: yup. It got restarted [15:08:13] JeroenDeDauw: apparently it is back up now :-] [15:08:20] Yeah [15:08:24] hashar: did you see my mail? [15:08:32] nop [15:08:38] too busy with labs right now [15:08:40] beta crashed [15:08:47] Mhh, sounds bad :p [15:09:10] I guess I can still do some further debugging myself first [15:13:59] DanielK_WMDE_: Another SELF MERGE!1!!!!! https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/61579/ [15:14:09] I should be banned from the interwebs now, at the very least [15:25:22] New patchset: Daniel Kinzler; "Refactore RDF mapping, added support for sitelinks." [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61471 [15:35:26] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Multichill/Property_translation_statistics <- let's see what languages are good at translating ;-) [15:54:22] New patchset: Krinkle; "(bug 43870) new Special:SetSiteLink" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/45574 [15:54:36] New review: Krinkle; "Patch set 3: Added class SpecialModifyEntity" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/45574 [15:54:44] New review: Krinkle; "Patch set 5: Rebased, removed whitespace, commented out a line in SpecialSetSiteLink" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/45574 [16:01:12] New patchset: Jeroen De Dauw; "Move out classes dependent on MediaWiki" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61583 [16:18:00] New patchset: Jeroen De Dauw; "Added standalone test runner for DataValues and removed some dependencies on MW from the tests" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61585 [16:19:37] Change merged: Daniel Werner; [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/58925 [16:21:15] Change merged: Daniel Werner; [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/58926 [16:21:34] Change merged: Daniel Werner; [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/58981 [16:21:47] Change merged: Daniel Werner; [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/59075 [16:22:04] Change merged: Daniel Werner; [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/59076 [16:22:15] Change merged: Daniel Werner; [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/59077 [16:31:20] New patchset: Jeroen De Dauw; "Make all PHPUNit tests in the DataValue repo work without MediaWiki - DO NOT MERGE" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61588 [16:58:49] New patchset: Jeroen De Dauw; "Remove usage of DataType->getParsers" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61591 [17:10:55] multichill: Just use site.allpages [17:12:20] legoktm: Thanks for the ping, almost forgot to save https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Multichill/Property_translation_statistics ;-) [17:12:58] cool! [17:21:52] I missed the most important office hours this week :( [17:30:39] hi. hava i done it ok? http://uk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Шаблон%3AКратери_на_Місяці&diff=cur&oldid=12314642 http://uk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Корольов_%28кратер%29&diff=cur&oldid=12221178 ? it's first time i do use properties magic [17:30:45] *have [17:44:34] I'm looking at this bug https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=44645 [17:44:42] but there's a little confusion [17:45:31] If I change the name of a variable, won't I have to change the name of every occurrence of that variable throughout the code? [17:53:12] New patchset: Jeroen De Dauw; "Remove getParsers fro DataType interface" [mediawiki/extensions/DataValues] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61599 [17:54:18] pragunbhutani: changing that would include not only wikibase but also in the DataValue extenions [17:54:21] extensions [17:54:31] and would be breaking change for the api [17:54:39] aude: and internationalization? [17:54:49] mightbe [17:54:52] might be [17:55:03] I just did a universal search [17:55:24] there are quite a few occurrences of it [17:55:27] ~200 maybe [17:55:38] Hi there, can anyone confirm these can be merged? http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3058839 [17:55:38] http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q2394474 [17:56:06] in internationalisation, we'd change only the english and maybe qqq message [17:56:21] i think the translate system takes care of the rest [17:58:22] I don't see any occurrence of wiibase-item in DataValues [17:58:43] *wikibase-item [17:59:08] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/I18n#Changing_existing_messages [18:00:34] pragunbhutani: which data type do you want to change? [18:00:51] it's probably better to change commonsMedia [18:01:15] wikibase-item [18:01:33] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/47430/1/wmf-config/CommonSettings.php,unified [18:01:45] yeah I guess it's better to change commonsMedia [18:01:55] hyphenated is more consistent with other stuff in wikibase [18:02:01] commonsMedia is the odd one [18:03:01] Ahh okay [18:03:07] since it's used in the api, i'd also think about if we can make the usage there backwards compatible [18:03:08] I'm just slightly partial to camel case [18:03:15] ah :) [18:03:57] commonsMedia doesn't have a small number of occurrences either! [18:04:39] 132 matches across 14 files [18:05:23] 2451 matches across 27 files for wikibase-item :O [18:05:29] I guess commonsMedia loses [18:05:32] right, but we don't need to change all the i18n messages [18:05:36] only english [18:05:40] true [18:06:02] aude: And rename on TWN or all translations will be lost [18:07:19] hoo: we can rename there? [18:08:05] aude: The time I normalized all prefixes to wikibase- Raymon.d did that for us [18:09:11] right [18:11:47] let me clarify, if I change commonsMedia to commons-media, I need to mirror that change on translatewiki.net as well [18:11:48] ? [18:13:19] o.O [18:13:41] If you're going to do that, you also need to notify all the bot operators, and api re-users [18:14:43] :O what did I say? [18:14:48] or see if it can be backwards compatible [18:14:54] don't know how easy that is [18:15:17] dataType aliases? Sound :| [18:15:29] heh [18:16:15] while i think it would be great to have the data types formattted consistently, i wonder if it's worth the hassle? [18:16:30] well it would be easy to fix in pywikipediabot before hand [18:16:53] legoktm: pywikipedia is only one API user [18:16:53] it means breaking the api, translations, settings [18:17:06] hoo: i know, but thats the one i use :P [18:17:07] we ourselve, are API users... cached JS could break our neck [18:17:27] yeah, i would also need a way to invalidate the pywikibot cache [18:17:29] * aude nods [18:18:59] * aude unmarking that bug as easy [18:23:33] might not be so easy, yeah [18:23:40] I'll give it a shot [18:24:01] I'm going to change all the occurrences of commonsMedia [18:24:12] and only english and qqx in .i18n [18:24:28] I didn't really understand the bit about TWN so I'll get back to you about it once it's done [18:27:14] ewk [18:27:14] pragunbhutani: ok :) [18:27:41] the change makes me a bit nervous, though [18:27:52] why i haven't touched that one [18:28:02] * hoo is not sure it's worth the trouble [18:28:13] hoo: makes me nervous as well! [18:28:20] so many occurences [18:28:21] agree with hoo [18:28:36] not just that but it affects the api users [18:28:38] You probably need to introduce type aliases, which could be a bit of work [18:28:39] I'm afraid of breaking something unknowingly [18:29:09] hoo: eep redundancy? [18:29:14] backwards compatibility would be best [18:29:27] That's why we'd need aliases [18:29:31] hmm [18:29:46] Or a crappy hack [18:29:58] :( [18:30:06] should this just be left as it is, maybe? [18:30:15] pragunbhutani: probably [18:30:27] I'll go look for something else then [18:30:29] aude: How's it even saved in the DB? [18:30:31] there should be easier bugs [18:32:49] any ones that you can think of in particular? [18:33:39] aude: These strings are even part of our property JSON [18:35:29] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Export/Property:P41 [18:35:44] hoo: looks like too late to change [18:36:02] At least for an easy change [18:36:50] not something i'm touching :) [18:38:06] aude: Why are there still REOPENED linkitem bugs we resolved ages ago -.- [18:38:38] ah, that was cause it wasn't testable during the demo time? [18:40:33] hoo: we need to provide a link to the wikidata item when the item is connected but has no links [18:40:40] such as in the widget [18:40:49] people are asking for that [18:40:56] I said that... but I wasn't sure how... [18:41:14] unless you think of a better idea, in the widget is okay [18:41:16] We could add it to the Toolbox maybe [18:41:37] denny is hesitant or at least it needs discussion [18:41:38] (I think there's a hook for that) [18:42:35] pragunbhutani: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45773 [18:42:55] that would be fairly easy and relates to the non-js stuff [18:43:18] in the js interface, there's a popup bubble with license info when editing [18:43:42] no equivalent currently for the non-js special pages that we have (label, description, aliases) [18:43:57] yep [18:44:01] this looks easy, yes [18:45:30] I'd have to introduce the changes in SpecialWikibasePage.php and SpecialWikibaseQueryPage.php correct? [18:46:34] pragunbhutani: not all the special pages need the license info [18:46:38] only the ones for editing [18:46:59] query pages don't, yeah [18:47:24] looks like this would also include new item and new property [18:48:14] all of these groups of pages use class inheritance (SpecialSetEntity and SpecialNewEntity) [18:48:43] new item, new property, set description, set label and set aliases [18:48:52] yes [18:49:58] legoktm et al.: Is there any way I could commission a script where I click one button and it would fill in the description "Wikipedia disambiguation" for each language? [18:50:39] $300 USD up front, and $10/month maintenance fee to keep it working [18:50:51] It shouldn't be too hard though [18:50:59] oh I see how it inherits [18:50:59] Um [18:51:03] * hoo will do it for 299$ :D [18:51:14] set label, description and aliases extend SpecialSetEntity [18:51:20] pragunbhutani: right [18:51:24] and new item, property extend SpecialNewEntity [18:51:36] later on we might want to rethink use of inheritance here, but that's for later [18:51:55] or at least not extend the inheritance to editing statements... [18:52:11] Sven_Manguard: If hoo doesn't get to it, I can look at it later tonight [18:52:23] hoo: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Bot_requests#descriptions_for_disambiguations is going to be helpful [18:52:26] I was just joking, I don't really have the time [18:52:34] aude: has there been a location that's been agreed upon, for the license message? [18:52:46] pragunbhutani: i don't think so [18:53:27] perhaps below the form, but could be somewhere else [18:53:45] there's a lot of empty space on the right [18:53:58] that might not be the best idea if you consider mobile devices as well, though [18:54:12] agree [18:54:19] depends on screen size [18:56:12] placing it below is a safer option [18:56:18] think so [18:56:28] there's plenty of space there too [19:02:18] hi [19:02:25] the message should only appear in the places that have a form [19:03:20] oh wait, I was thinking of editing the create form function [19:03:34] but it's better to create a new function [19:03:37] print license [19:04:32] and call it after the function call of create form [19:04:59] is there already some sort of a global variable that contains the license text? [19:07:14] pragunbhutani: Look how the JS does it, I'm pretty sure there's something [19:07:18] back [19:07:53] hoo: okay, lemme see [19:07:55] there is a message key (i18n) for this [19:08:14] i think there is some way it gets overriden with a wikimedia specific message [19:10:02] there is wikidata-shortcopyrightwarning (brought in somehow probably via a hook from the WikimediaMessages extensions) [19:10:07] and there is a default message key [19:12:49] or might be done some other hacky way [19:19:35] aude: WikimediaLicenseTexts.php in WikimediaMessages extension [19:19:41] I think that might be the answer [19:21:40] pragunbhutani: we can reuse the existing message [19:22:20] needs to be done in a way that, if available, we use the wikidata copyright message in Wikimedia Messages [19:22:35] otherwise, use the default wikibase copyright message key [19:24:57] I'll check the usage matrix [19:25:43] umm no, that wasn't helpful [19:25:47] I'd look how the JS does it and replicate that logic [19:26:05] Don't reinvent the wheel [19:26:43] hoo|away: yeah true [19:29:57] take a look at the entityview classes (php and js ones) [19:30:24] those aren't nessarily the best examples of wikibase code but i think where it's handled [19:31:02] @seen Denny_WMDE [19:31:02] liangent: Last time I saw Denny_WMDE they were quitting the network with reason: Ping timeout: 268 seconds N/A at 4/26/2013 12:53:20 PM (4.06:37:41.5172820 ago) [19:33:59] liangent: denny is travelling [19:34:11] not sure when he'll be back online [19:36:53] aude: still looking [19:37:07] startItemPageEditMode gets triggered if the button is clicked, I think [19:37:13] so I'll look for that [19:37:17] aude: hmm and the deadline of gsoc is May.3 and opw is tomorrow [19:38:14] liangent: Lydia_WMDE might also be able to help or i can try [19:38:41] pragunbhutani: i think that's what makes the bubble appear [19:39:02] it only appears when you click edit (and don't have a cookie for it) [19:39:16] for non-js, that won't work the same way [19:39:18] 130 .on( 'referenceviewafterstartediting', function( event ) { [19:39:19] 131 $( wb ).trigger( [19:39:20] 132: 'startItemPageEditMode', [19:39:21] 133 [ event.target, { exclusive: false, wbCopyrightWarningGravity: 'sw' } ] [19:39:22] 134 ); [19:39:27] * aude nods [19:40:24] for non js, all we need is a message that appears there all the time [19:40:35] since that's the only function that the particular special page has [19:45:09] aude: here's something interesting I found in /repo/includes/EntityView.php [19:45:16] 721 // if this is a wiki using the WikimediaMessages extension (i.e. Wikidata) it will use the [19:45:17] 722 // shortcopyrightwarning message from that extension instead. [19:45:18] 723: $rightsWarning = $this->msg( 'wikidata-shortcopyrightwarning' )->parse(); [19:45:20] 724 } else { [19:45:21] 725: $rightsWarning = $this->msg( 'wikibase-shortcopyrightwarning', [19:45:23] 726 $this->msg( 'wikibase-save' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), [19:45:25] 727 $this->msg( 'copyrightpage' )->inContentLanguage()->text(), [19:46:09] pragunbhutani: Dude, pastebin! [19:46:24] multichill: sorry sorry! noted! :$ [19:47:35] heh [19:47:56] looks hacky but could work [19:49:49] what happens if wikidata is linked to a wikipedia page and then the wikipedia page is turned into a redirect to a different concept? [19:50:20] nikki: hopefully we catch and fix the issue [19:52:09] aude: oh but it seems $rightsWarning is only used by the js [19:53:22] pragunbhutani: there's a bunch of stuff missing in the non-js ui [19:53:29] this seems one of them [19:58:42] aude I think this should work inside SpecialSetEntity and SpecialNewEntity as well [19:58:42] http://pastebin.com/00j81ZaR [19:58:42] Sven_Manguard: so the wikidata link will is a link to the original (now redirecting) page until someone notices? [19:58:42] pragunbhutani: i think so [19:58:42] at least as next step [19:58:43] nikki: yeah [19:58:43] and then the variable can simply be added to the html at the end of the form [19:58:43] would be nice to minimize duplicating code, when/if possible [19:59:22] think that would work [20:00:56] I see, thanks [20:04:15] Hi! [20:05:03] hi [20:05:12] Anyone involved in Wikidata? [20:05:20] everyone :) [20:05:25] :) [20:05:26] Depends on your definition of involved :) [20:05:29] Cool [20:06:29] Are there any limitations what kind of data to store in the database? [20:07:10] aude: so since both SpecialNewEntity and SpecialSetEntity extend SpecialWikibasePage, I could probably add a public function to print the rights warning over there [20:07:22] Hocke: not really, what did you have in mind? [20:07:38] that way, any other page that extends SpecialWikibasePage in the future can also re-use it [20:07:39] Genealogy data [20:08:00] yeah, people have been working on that [20:08:18] i think multichill was working on that [20:08:19] there are some limits [20:08:36] a) only entities (=people) with a Wikipedia article can be included for now [20:08:52] hmm? [20:09:10] legoktm: I'm working on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Multichill/Property_translation_statistics :P [20:09:13] b) properties are chosen from a limited set and need to be individually requested if they don't exist yet - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:List_of_properties [20:09:45] c) as yet, there's no "reciprocal" properties - so if you're doing genealogical links, you'll have to add "mother of X" and "son of Y" seperately [20:10:21] pragunbhutani: sounds good [20:11:56] So... for now it´s not possible to add the swedish 1890 enumeration [20:12:49] all the people in it? probably not for quite a while :-) [20:13:10] not sure if we'll ever have that sort of scope [20:14:17] to bad [20:14:21] :) [20:14:40] aude: sweet! I'll get this done and go figure out what I'm going to do about my project presentation in college tomorrow [20:14:50] not looking forward to it :/ [20:22:20] pragunbhutani: ok :/ [20:58:46] aude: how does this look? [20:58:47] http://pastebin.com/GKjNFnsq [21:01:46] pragunbhutani: Are those childs of EntityView? [21:02:01] pragunbhutani: the function is not printing anything [21:02:04] it's getting the message [21:03:21] yes I know [21:03:50] but then anywhere we want the message [21:04:21] this->getOutput->addHTML(printRightsWarningMessage()); [21:04:26] should do the trick? [21:05:03] hoo: SpecialNewEntity and SpecialSetEntity? [21:05:17] they're childs of SpecialWikibasePage [21:05:17] Yes [21:05:22] I just saw [21:05:39] Better put the message functionality in Utils and centralize the logic [21:05:58] than call it from EntityView and wherever needed... don't duplicate this code [21:06:01] * then [21:06:21] how about getRightsWarningMessage()? [21:07:22] aude: In Utils? Sounds fine [21:07:25] utils is like a garbage bin of miscellaneous but not sure of any better place to put it right now :) [21:07:59] aude: I know... but those aren't childs of EntityView and I don't want that crappy, crappy hack even twice in WB [21:08:04] and have the function return $this->getOutput->addHTML($rightsWarning) ? [21:08:05] entityview and the special pages are due for some refactoring soonish, so we might find a better place then [21:08:08] hoo: agree [21:08:23] aude: where can I find the utils? [21:08:27] pragunbhutani: Just the string [21:08:37] lib/includes/Utils.php [21:08:44] pragunbhutani: what hoo says, just return the string [21:08:57] aude: hoo : okay [21:08:58] pragunbhutani: change EntityView and the special page logic, then... to use the same code [21:09:15] hoo: will do [21:11:32] the function is returning just the string already ($rightsWarningText) [21:11:44] so simply calling it will do the trick, will it? [21:12:14] pragunbhutani: It should [21:12:37] okay [21:14:26] the special pages inherit from Utils? [21:14:42] pragunbhutani: no [21:15:08] Do static Utils calls like Utils::foo(); [21:15:12] it's evil but could be a static function [21:15:16] It's even final, I guess [21:15:40] it should be final... the idea of having childs of it scares me :P [21:16:28] ohh okay [21:18:41] aude: I got a new Wikibase development environment now... in fact it's a suite... so I guess I can develop more agile, maybe even on my small netbook now (dunno if it's a good idea to install it there) [21:19:37] good [21:19:42] not using vagrant now? [21:20:00] * aude aware that vagrant needs updating [21:20:02] No... it was to broken and to slow [21:20:06] :( [21:20:25] Using that now: https://github.com/mariushoch/MediaWiki-Testing [21:21:07] With it I can have development environments on both my home workstation and my server and maybe even my netbook, w/o much work [21:21:16] nice [21:21:43] Vagrant was a nice thing, tough... I stole some of the logic from it's puppet (Silke is even credited in one of the templates) [21:23:51] * aude needs to puppetize my wikifarm [21:24:36] I'm not into puppet... that's why I decided it would be easier to just screw something in PHP [21:26:00] so this is the function as it looks in Utlis.php, finally [21:26:01] http://pastebin.com/GKjNFnsq [21:26:32] use another name for it like getRights... [21:26:49] don't use var $foo in PHP functions [21:27:04] (and only public in class scope... var is PHP4 style) [21:28:05] You don't need to declare variables in PHP... [21:28:35] hoo: the number of times I've made that mistake... [21:29:07] not public static? [21:29:10] Switching between JS and PHP :D [21:29:34] public static, yes... in class scope, you should use public/protected/private (but not var) [21:29:40] okay [21:29:45] in function scope, you need neither [21:30:01] changed the name to getRights... [21:30:04] removed declaration [21:30:07] rest is okay? [21:30:28] Almost :) Just document that it's returning a string [21:30:38] okay [21:30:39] * @return String [21:30:42] that's it [21:32:26] gotcha [21:33:11] all done [21:33:39] I'll replace the logic in EntityView and add calls in SpecialSetEntity and SpecialNewEntity [21:33:49] pragunbhutani: Are you firm with git review? :) [21:33:55] Utils::getRightsWarningMessage? [21:34:16] sounds sane [21:34:19] hoo: yes, I submitted a patch to mediawiki/core [21:34:24] got merged :) [21:34:37] I could definitely use some practice to get my hands set around it [21:37:52] Learning by doing :) [21:41:45] hoo: fatal error [21:42:00] :/ [21:42:01] Using $this when not in object context in Utils.php [21:42:08] ah [21:42:22] Warning: assert() [function.assert]: Assertion failed in /usr/local/apache/common-local/php-1.22wmf2/extensions/Wikibase/DataModel/DataModel/Claim/Claims.php on line 242 [21:42:23] s/$this->msg/wfMessage/ ;) [21:43:22] MaxSem: it's fixed either in our deployment tomorrow (i think) or the next one [21:43:43] MaxSem: https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47022 ;) [21:43:52] hoo not sure if following you [21:43:59] replace all $this with s/$this? [21:44:17] pragunbhutani: sed syntax, don't you know? Replace $this->msg with wfMessage ;) [21:44:46] I didn't know! Do now :) [21:45:50] ;) [21:46:50] liangent: yeah gsoc and opfw stuff with me now until denny is back - need anything? [21:47:03] Lydia_WMDE: how's the movie? :) [21:47:07] hoo: yaay it works! (almost) [21:47:11] aude: amazing! [21:47:15] \o/ [21:47:16] getting the message now [21:47:19] it was really really good [21:47:19] almost? Still \o/ [21:47:29] hoo: it's floating to the right [21:47:36] :) [21:47:45] the movie... [21:51:51] hoo: works well in EntityView :) [21:51:54] * aude wonders why the section edit links don't work on http://wikimania2013.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions [21:51:59] I'll check the float in the special pages [21:52:30] aude: Translate extension [21:52:38] ugh [21:54:22] * aude waits 2 more hours to mark submissions as closed :) [21:54:43] aude: Are you in the committee? [21:54:46] fixed! :D [21:55:05] pragunbhutani: :) [21:55:11] hoo: yes [21:55:57] aude: heh [21:56:09] Do you got to Amsterdam by train, btw? [21:56:18] hoo: too far for that [21:56:33] Plain? [21:56:36] yes [21:56:46] * plane [21:56:48] doh [21:56:49] :) [21:57:09] two hours, eek [21:57:16] * shimgray rushes to finish his submission [21:57:44] it takes >6 hours from berlin to amsterdam by train... [21:57:56] yeah :P [21:58:08] aude: Do you yet know at which time you'll arrive? [21:58:12] hoo: no [21:58:18] meh [21:58:21] don't even know which day [21:58:28] Does Lydia? [21:58:30] * aude assumes the day before [21:58:33] and its more expensive by train :P [21:58:54] hoo: ask me again tomorrow? [21:58:56] too tired atm tbh [21:58:58] sorry [21:59:16] Lydia_WMDE: Probably not going to be around tomorrow... on Thursday, then ;) [21:59:21] sure [21:59:47] * lbenedix arrives 2013-05-23 in the morning [22:00:37] lbenedix: I probably as well... [22:01:08] train? plane? [22:01:38] * hoo is going via train [22:05:04] hoo: SpecialSetEntity is being a little problematic [22:05:34] class 'Utils' not found [22:05:48] pragunbhutani: namespaces ;) [22:06:29] newbie alert [22:06:59] elaborate a little, please? [22:07:12] http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.namespaces.importing.php [22:07:56] use Wikibase\Utils; [22:08:02] at the top should od the trick ;) [22:08:36] I didn't have to do that with SpecialNewEntity [22:08:51] ...because the namespace has already been defined [22:08:53] silly me [22:09:50] works splendidly now [22:09:53] * pragunbhutani takes a bow [22:20:13] continuing what I was asking about redirects, is it possible to mark wikidata entries in any way? i.e. is there a way a bot could, say, mark everything where the wikipedia page is a redirect to a page which is linked to a separate entry in wikidata so that people can check and fix them? (e.g. the wikipedia link on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q7362242 now just redirects to the one on https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q45375 [22:20:13] ) [22:22:43] New patchset: Pragunbhutani; "Added a function getRightsWarningMessage() to Utils" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61704 [22:26:56] New patchset: Hoo man; "Added a function getRightsWarningMessage() to Utils" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61704 [22:33:57] New review: Hoo man; "Some minor nitpicking ... looks good at all (untested)" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) C: -1; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61704 [22:34:11] thanks for your help hoo, aude [22:34:14] pragunbhutani: ^ If you fix those I can maybe test and even merge it tonight ;) [22:34:37] lemme take a look [22:35:16] Only stylistic stuff ;) [22:35:55] oh cool [22:35:59] yeah, I'll fix these right away [22:36:24] :) [22:36:36] git review -r 61704, correct? [22:37:00] pragunbhutani: Do you want to download it again or push the changes made? [22:37:19] I want to download it again and then amend [22:37:42] pragunbhutani: Ah [22:37:51] git -d 61704 [22:38:07] then do your changes. git add, git commit --amend; git review -R ;) [22:38:22] okay thanks :) [22:43:35] New patchset: Pragunbhutani; "Added a function getRightsWarningMessage() to Utils" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61704 [22:43:49] should be all fixed now :) [22:44:54] pragunbhutani: ok :) [23:00:30] gerrit is slow... :/ [23:01:42] true story [23:02:19] i stopped using gitweb and now just use the github mirror [23:02:35] legoktm: Gerrit itself is slow atm [23:02:53] oh [23:03:00] .patch files! [23:05:57] New review: Hoo man; "(1 comment)" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61704 [23:06:02] pragunbhutani: One minor thing ;) [23:06:16] I'll check :p [23:06:32] Code review can be a pain... especially with a nitpicker like me :P [23:06:51] -2 Whitespace [23:07:03] legoktm: Where? [23:07:35] thats what a true nit picker would do :P [23:07:38] I'm usually direclty abandoning change sets with white space flaws... not even worth trying to fix anymore [23:07:54] hahaha [23:09:00] would Html::rawElement be the right way to go about it? [23:10:53] pragunbhutani: I guess so, yes ;) [23:11:38] yeah, looks like it works [23:11:51] let me double-check for white space errors :p [23:12:20] :D [23:12:32] Many IDEs got a trim trailing space function for that :P [23:12:58] also, in SpecialSetEntity, I've added the message to a

and not a

, so I'm going to change that to div as well, for consistency [23:13:44] pragunbhutani: Better be consistent with the rest of the elements on the page and I think that one has more

around... do as you favor, doesn't matter to much after all [23:14:23] that is true, more

around that one [23:14:28] so I'll leave it be [23:17:27] pragunbhutani: in this case, rawElement should be okay because the message is parsed ->parse() [23:17:36] New patchset: Pragunbhutani; "Added a function getRightsWarningMessage() to Utils" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61704 [23:17:42] we have to be careful about that though [23:18:04] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Security_for_developers [23:18:09] ^ useful [23:18:26] are openElement and closeElement preferred, generally? [23:18:39] pragunbhutani: usually Html::element [23:18:49] that does some escaping [23:19:01] but then we need to be careful not to double escape stuff [23:19:07] pragunbhutani: Always depends on what you want to do... in case you add raw html you always have to look whether the data you give to it is secure (and in this case it is) [23:19:31] hmm okay [23:19:48] I'll read the bit about security [23:22:11] hoo: just added the trim_trailing_spaces to sublime [23:22:23] I hope I haven't made any more style errors! [23:23:06] I don't think so... just taking a final look at how it looks in the browser and then I guess I'll go ahead and merge it ;) [23:24:15] awesome! [23:24:42] pragunbhutani: Is that your first wikibase change? [23:24:55] yep [23:26:18] New review: Hoo man; "Great first Wikibase change... thanks :)" [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master); V: 2 C: 2; - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61704 [23:26:41] yaay! I shall allow myself a little victory dance now [23:26:41] Change merged: Hoo man; [mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase] (master) - https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/61704 [23:26:45] * pragunbhutani dances [23:26:50] \o/ [23:27:00] yay! [23:27:33] should be deployed in ~2 weeks :) [23:27:40] sweet! :) [23:27:56] anyway, it's late in India folks. [23:28:00] Thanks for all your help today [23:28:05] sure [23:28:07] I'll see you again tomorrow! [23:28:18] good night, pragunbhutani... and keep the good work going ;) [23:28:20] see you! [23:28:27] g'night! :)